Rico was born at home on April 6th, 2009 at 4.25pm weighing 9lb4oz. He had a mop of black hair and a huge cry!!! (although he hasn't cried very much since then!)
His big brothers are infatuated with him and just want to kiss and cuddle him all the time!
Rico and I spent 4 nights at the Birthing Centre in Warkworth while the rest of the boys had some quality time at Pakiri.
Welcome to the world Rico :)
20 April 2009
Rico is now 2 weeks old! I can't believe how quickly the time is passing! He is sleeping for at least 4 hours at a time at night, so I'm getting plenty of sleep and feeling great! He feeds all the time during the day, and has big sleeps too! He poos every nappy (eek!!!) and is such a happy boy, his cry isn't often heard, and when it is his big brothers are very concerned so he isn't allowed to cry for long or the big boys get upset!
Simon is off work for another few weeks which is great, he is spending lots of time with the big boys while I organise Rico :)
Simon is off work for another few weeks which is great, he is spending lots of time with the big boys while I organise Rico :)
Oh he is just gorgeous Marie! Well done you!
ReplyDeleteHe is just beautiful a really lovely looking baby and you must be thrilled to have. Mum is here and she passes on her love and congratulations to. We hope all is going well with you all. Thinking of you lots
ReplyDeleteLove Nicola, Tony, Mikayla, Emma, Daniel and Aunty Helen and Uncle Bruce xxxx